WordPress is flourishing day by day on its way because of good support and timely updates on features. Moreover, environmentally suitable Themes and Plugins are also the reason behind this. We can say that being up-to-date with the requirements of users is the case for the long sustainability of themes and plugins. Above all, It is very pleasing to announce that our powerful theme Business Plan Pro is now launched on its new version with some exciting features. Business Plan Pro 1.0.4 is one of the major updates of this theme for the year 2020. The update was released on 19th October 2020 succeeding all of the essential testings.
In this article, we’ll share what’s new in Business Plan Pro-1.0.4 and what will be good for you to use on your website.
- Added keyboard Navigation.
- Added Demo Importer.
- Changed Screenshot.
- Added License for third party libraries
- Added wp_body_open() in header.php file.
- Add up Require Php and Tested up to in style.css file
- Fixed Theme Check plugin issue.
- Added Pot file for translation.
- Tested up to WordPress 5.5.
Added Keyboard Navigation
Since this version comes up with a keyboard navigation menu. It helps you to navigate your website using keyboards. Users can add custom/manually new keyboard shortcuts for frequently used functions.
Added Demo Importer
Demo importer is for importing any kind of demo data in a click. Inside a demo file, users can add content for posts, blogs, pages and enable it in multiple places at once.
Changed Screenshot
We have changed the content inside the screenshot of the demo of the website. It currently carries demo data for user guidelines rather than using real life content.
Added License for third-party libraries
To use various third-party libraries without any legal issues, we have been taking the proper licensing format for them.
Added wp_body_open() in header.php file
With this function, you can add an action hook just after opening the body tag inside your header.php file.
Added Require Php and Tested up to in style.css file
It contains the required stylesheet file for the theme as well as tested style.css file successfully to function flawlessly during customizing your website.
Fixed Theme Check plugin issue
We have also been working on fixing previous issues of the theme. After installing the new update of the theme, users won’t face any problems related to the Theme Check Plugin.
Added Pot file for translation
This theme has been developed to facilitate the customers of several regions from all over the world. So, to make the website native for different people, there is a Pot file where you can add the language you wanna translate into.
Tested up to WordPress 5.5
To make the theme up-to-date, it needs some features improvised, resolving bugs, adding new features. However, it’s not enough to make a perfect theme. Rather the theme should be tested up to the latest updated versions of all WordPress core, plugins, editors, etc which are essential for the theme.