We all know WordPress is the most popular CMS on the web today. But it’s an undeniable fact that WordPress sites are also vulnerable. We all work hard to make an awesome and feature full website. However, security is one of the major factors that need more attention. No matter what type of content you provide, which theme and plugins you are using, you aren’t an exception. The one thing you can do is, follow some precautions.
Well, now you may be curious to know what are those precautions and how to implement those in the websites! Here’s what can you do:

1. Be Up-to-date With WordPress, Themes and Plugins
With every update, WordPress features and security get better. Lots of bugs and issues are fixed every time with a new update release. If any malicious bugs are discovered, WordPress developers take care of them right away. If you miss an update, then you will be at risk.
The same goes for the themes and plugins. Update the themes and plugins you are using currently to avoid vulnerabilities and potential security breach points.
For example: To update your Theme, Go to Themes / Installed Themes; There you will see all the list of installed themes and update notice if available for any.
2. Pick Good Hosting Company
With the security concern of your site, it is better to choose a hosting provider having multiple layers of security rather than the cheap one. Tempting to choose the cheaper one often does cause nightmares down the road. It may create problems like completely erasing your data and your URL could begin redirecting somewhere else.
3. Avoid the use of null themes
Premium Themes contain more powerful features than the Free Themes. Whereas Nulled Themes are the hacked version of the Premium Themes. In the case of free/premium themes, you can freely customize your theme as well as can get full support if something goes wrong on your site. But the null themes can contain hidden malicious codes, which could harm your website and extract your credentials from the database.
4. Use strong Password
Passwords are the most important part of site security. It is important to use a complex password that contains special characters, alphabets, numeric values, etc., rather than using auto-generated or simple passwords like ‘123456’ and ‘abc123’.
5. Keep a regular backup of your site
Creating a copy of all the site’s data and storing it somewhere safe helps you to restore the site even if something bad happens. So, make a habit of saving every new change in a backup file.
6. Change your password often
Change your password once in 2-3 months. That would decrease the chance of any hacker breaking into your site. Diversity on the password is a great idea to make your site secure from attacks.
7. Bound the login attempts
If you allow unlimited username and password attempts in your login form, that helps an attacker succeed. So, don’t let them try an infinite number of times. Limiting the available attempts will prevent you from extracting your login data.
8. Use SSL certificate
To make the data transfer secure between the user’s browser and your server, information is encrypted using SSL before it is transferred. It makes it more difficult to read and your site will be more secure. Google also takes it as an important factor and provides sites with an SSL certificate a higher rank within its search results.
9. Change your WP-login URL
Normally, The URL of the WordPress login page is “yoursite.com/wp-admin” or “yoursite.com/wp-login.php”. Which is easy to target by brute-force attack to crack your username and password. To eliminate this issue, you can change the admin login URL.
10. Protect wp-config.php and .htaccess files
Wp-config.php and .htaccess are the most important and vulnerable files among your WordPress source files. They hold crucial information about your site. So, you can hide those files from the normal directory to make your site secure.
To Summarize
One of the crucial parts to remember while creating a website is security. If you don’t maintain the security of your site, then hackers can easily penetrate your site and information. It’s not so hard to focus on some basic factors rather it can save your site from some random attacks.