Add Title, Content, Feature Image, and Categories.
Click on Publish
Go to Page, Click Add New.
Add Title, Content, and Feature Image.
Click on Publish
Above are more options for managing the Post:
where Right Sidebar makes the Sidebar along the Right Side From the whole content and the Left Sidebar makes the Sidebar at the Left Side From the Content.
2-Enable Title: You can choose the Option to Enable and Disable the Title
3-Enable Comment: You can choose the Option to Enable and Disable the Comment.
4-Enable Post Meta: You can choose the Option to Enable and Disable the Post Meta.
5-Enable Feature Image: You can choose the Option to Enable and Disable the Feature Image.
You can Add by clicking on those options and save it through click on Publish.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Colors>Background Color. Here you will get the option to set the color of the body Background.
In the above screenshot, you can see the Default Selected color, White. By clicking the select color Options You can go through many colors given as Default.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme option>Flash News.
Enable Flash News Section: Helps to enable/disable flash news section.
Enable Social section: Helps to enable/disable Social section.
Flash News Title: Helps to edit Flash News Title.
Show Latest Posts: Helps to Show Latest Posts in the flash news section.
Show Posts From Category: Helps to Show Posts From Category in the flash news section. It gives you extra content for your themes but the choice is yours to add.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme option> Main Header.
Logo Layout: Helps to select the Logo layout for your site. like right, left, center.
Advertisement Image: Helps to select Advertisement Image for the header section. You can out the main Header on Left, Right, and Center based on the options you made on it. Choose the best-fitted options over there.
Here are lists of features available in the Buzz Magazine pro theme. After installing Our Pro Themes You will come to get more options to handle the Themes.
light and Dark mode available in the pro version which helps users to choose the mode according to their choice. The dark mode is good/easy for the night. It is good for health and well-being and it also helps to save battery.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme option>Light/Dark Mode.
Enable Dark/Light Option: Helps to Enable/disable Dark/Light Option.
Layout: Helps to set layout1, layout 2 for light/dark mode.
General Typography Helps to set body, Title, Paragraph, Post Meta, Category, Button, Widget Category Title font family, font size, font weight, line height, letter space, etc.
Sidebar Widget Typography Helps to set Sidebar Widget Content Title, Sidebar Widget Content Font family, font size, font weight, line height, letter space, etc.
Seventeen custom widgets are available in the pro version using which we can create our own design website.
Buzz Magazine: Editor Pick(Pro): Helps to set date, title, like, comment, view for Buzz Magazine: Editor Pick.
Buzz Magazine: Feature Grid Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for feature grid-style widget.
Buzz Magazine: Feature List Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Feature List Style.
Buzz Magazine: Grid Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Grid Style.
Buzz Magazine: List Feature Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for List Feature Style.
Buzz Magazine: Mixed List Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Mixed List Style.
Buzz Magazine: Mixed Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Mixed Style.
Buzz Magazine: Sidebar Categories: Helps to set title, categories layout design, post count for Buzz Magazine: Sidebar Categories.
Buzz Magazine: Simple Style(pro): Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Buzz Magazine: Simple Style.
Buzz Magazine: Single Feature Style: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Single Feature Style.
Buzz Magazine Pro: Overall News(pro): Helps to set categories, cat. layout, title, content, number of posts, icon, like, view, comment, Author, a button for Buzz Magazine Pro: Overall News.
Buzz Magazine Sidebar:-Recent Comments: Helps to set title, content for Buzz Magazine Sidebar:-Recent Comments.
Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Latest/Popular: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts for Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Latest/Popular.
Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Most Viewed Posts(pro): Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts, for Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Most Viewed Posts.
Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Popular Video: Helps to set categories, title, content, number of posts for Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Popular Video.
Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Recent Posts: Helps to set title, content, number of posts Buzz Magazine Sidebar: Recent Posts.
Buzz Magazine Social Feeds(pro): Helps to set title, width, height, social link URL for Buzz Magazine Social Feeds.
Go to edit a post and at Status & visibility, you can see Post Format option, select the post formate as your choice(like video, standard, etc). By update/save it you can set your desire post format.